With love you wept
With the cross you crept
Crying all the way to Calvary
To shame the devil the rivalry
With love, just for me
Just for me, with love
Everything I drive myself
To strive so hard to love you back
The same way you loved me
If one day oh Savior, my pride grows than my love for you, remind me because of the cross am alive
Humbly you followed
Silent and so dumb
Because you were the lamb
From heaven you came
You healed the lame
Deaf, sick and blind
Blinded by money they were
Oh Christ
Save us from lust
We are dust
Remind us that
The ultimate price you paid
Your precious blood shed
If a day will come Christ, my lust for money will grow than my love for you, remind me from dust I came, you are Christ my savior
You came to overcome
The devil you overcame
Death you overcame
You overcame the world
Took all the Glory
Not measures in a lorry
Many more to make you shine just in line with Daddy
My situation you fix
If one day oh Sweet Jesus my life situation makes me forget about you, remind me you overcame what no man can overcome
On the third day you rose
Just like predicted
By those directed
And inspired
Hallelujah mother Mary sung
Happy for the risen son
Hallelujah Peter praised
For the shamed Lucifer
Hallelujah the world sung
You rose
You shined
Brought hope
If one day precious Teacher, I will find no joy in praying again, remind me of the great moment the world praised your name, so I can praise too
At times I win
I forget Christ
Am dust
At times I forget to pray
Judge me Savior, but not in anger lest you bring me to nothing

Poem written by
Elizabeth Khasiro Munuya
First Year Student
(Pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts)
University of Nairobi- (Main Campus)
Aaaaaw am touched!
Wow, flows like a song chorus, the message is deep,
“One day oh Sweet Jesus my life situation makes me forget about you, remind me you overcame what no man can overcome”
Amazing 💯🔥