Why bygones be bygones as the adage goes?
I sat by the river side as page by page the past from my memory flows
I picked a pebble and tossed into the air and left it fall back into the waters
Slowly I rose up and billow back home.
Pride still eating my inside, I tried my best but nothing morphed
I felt that there was this one thing which to fully grasp I tried
My thoughts making infinite loops about resurrection, tired!
Maybe a brothel was safer than visiting my mind, so sad!
The day of redemption reached.
Finally, after flipping for long my mind came across Easter, from loss we gained!
Free got set the chained
Many Easter days like today had come but still I remained empty that the grave was empty!
But this I will resurrect with Christ
My heart is going to speak.
I want to go against my norms and come out my cocoons,
My quest for freedom confused me even more.
The more I dug into knowing, the more I added pain into the sore!
What toil?
Finding meaning in this meaningless life!
It’s like jumping into the fire from the boiling oil!
The fool and the wise BOTH experiencing death! Where is the meaning of wisdom?
After doing good all his life, the only gratitude he got was the wrath of a ‘ knife’
That night he prayed, trying to rearrange the plan, imagining the pain about to stream!
Unfortunately, only God had the mandate to take away or retain the ‘cup’ for him.
All is vanity! The writer of Ecclesiastes emphasized all through the book.
The bloody day reached, and a kiss gave him away!
“He is a blasphemer!” They said
The savior was crucified with two thieves! Once again where is the difference? Stray
Stray I’m, a well lived life, ending in mockery and merciless whips. Stay…
Longer I wanted him stay, but the world their own they had to betray!
A thug humble enough found his way to paradise
Darkness became the cover of the world for a moment, the curtains were torn!
His body succumbed to the pain, and it was over, arcane but a seed was sown.
Descended into the deepest darkness and Satan was left in fetters
Key taken new light was shone into the world as the messiah arose!
Impossibility made possible, the rose
Had to bloom once more as we got the prize of freedom! He arose!
Vanity still ringing in my mind but this time it’s no longer a mystery but great understanding
The wise and the fool are now totally different, they both die but the latter is assured of resurrection!

Poem written by
Lennox Kanyoe Kahati
Second Year Student
(Pursuing a Degree in Electrical Engineering)
University of Nairobi (Main Campus)